Arpepe is an historic estate based in Valtellina in the very north of Italy, specialising in extraordiary Nebbiolo, with an alpine twist.
Arpepe is often written as Ar.Pe.Pe. or ArPePe which are the initials of the modern founding father, Arturo Pelizzatti Perego. The family have been growing Nebbiolo here since 1860 but Arturo founded the modern incarnation in 1984. The variety is known locally as Chiavennasca.
The family now have over 13 hectares within Valtellina Superiore DOCG area, around the areas of Sassella, Grumello and Inferno, making a bewildering amount of different Nebbiolo. They all reflect an overarching philosophy of viticultural practice in synergy with the rhythms of the Alps, and slow, long maturation in the cellar.
These are Nebbiolo to savour, enjoy and keep.